Techpaulin is reliable, matches high quality standards and finds application in an extensive range of agricultural and industrial applications.
Techpaulin has wide use for agricultural applications. Available in variety of sizes and can also be made available in customized sizes.
- Spices
- Chillies
- Areca nuts
- Coconut
- Turmeric
- Grapes
- Rubberized items, etc.

- High UV resistant
- High moisture barrier even when laid on moist / wet ground
- Does not de-laminate
- Does not chip or crack
- Long life
- Resistant to corrosion, dew, low temperature and weathering
Silage and grain covers
- Maximizes freshness
- Preserves nutritional values
- Prevents ingress of excess water / air
- Exceptional tear resistance and seam resistance
- Multiple sheets joined by high tech welding (no stitching, no holes)

- Good weathering, water and air barrier
- Good UV resistance
- Light weight and easy to use
- Chemical resistance
Fumigation barriers
Techpaulin can also be used as a containment cover to maximize and economize fumigation process.
- Good barrier property prevents easy escape of fumigated gases and provides good impact
- Process is repeatable and reliable
- Prevents loss of efficacy
- High fuming and retention rates
- Lowers VOC emission into the atmosphere
- Prevents smell & odour dispersing
- Optimal UV resistance
- Good barrier property
- Easy to lay and cover
- UV resistance
- Chemical resistance
Poultry Curtains
Techpaulin is used as poultry curtains to protect chickens from extreme weather, heat, cold or rain.
- Appropriate indoor environment protects chickens from harsh, cold and wind
- Increases rearing capacity under single roof
- Reduces casualty
- Corrosion resistant
- Techpaulin withstands acidic chicken waste
- Rot proof
- Better storage environment
- Stress-free healthy environment, good output
- 100% weather proof
- Good chemical resistance
- Improved strength and durable
- Light weight
- UV resistant
Vermi composting is gaining highig popularity and rapidly growing agriculture segment. It is a process of managing worms to convert organic matter / waste to rich manure in a short period of time. To facilitate vermi composting, a suitable ambient temperature has to be maintained and has to avoid heat build-up as the earthworms are sensitive to heat. Use of Techpaulin for vermibeds present immense advantages.
- Retains moisture
- Flexible and economical
- Special design features for stable vermibed
- Higher quality ventilation nets for longer life
- Ready to install vermibed set available
- Special advice and help can be available from the company
- Very high strength values
- UV stabilization for a long outdoor exposure
- Puncture resistance
- 100% waterproof
- Chemical resistance
Pond Liner
Due to vagaries of rainfall, Government is encouraging and supporting water conservation and storage. One of the most popular methods is by creating artificial pond / storage reservoir. Techpaulin offers excellent solution for pond lining.
- High resistance to puncture and tear
- Low coefficient and expansion and multi layer lamination makes it an ideal lining membrane due to good water
- Being light weight, reduces installation time
- Techpaulin are food grade and rot resistant having good lining capabilities
- Tips for Excellent Pond Lining
- After excavation, ground surface is prepared with good compaction and smoothened surface and it is ready to use the Techpaulin lining
- Can also be sandwiched between layer of mud and brick at preparation stage
Pond Cover
- Can also be used additionally as a floating cover to protect contents from evaporation and contamination
- Can also be used to line / contains waste water lagoons to prevent spread and contamination of adjoining land
- Good water barrier resistance
- UV resistance
- Food grade
- Rot resistant
- Light weight and easy to handle
- Joints are ultrasonically welded
- 100% leak proofs
Odour Containment Covers, Effective Landfil Covers
- Due to high gas barrier and water barrier, Techpaulin can also be used to cover landfill etc. and prevents odour / gas from spreading
- Moving garbage trucks can be covered to prevent smell, odour and wastage from flying around
- High resistance to puncture and tear
- Low co-efficient of thermal expansion
- Light weight hence flexible
Techpaulin is a strong product. It’s puncture and tear resistant and ideal for covers and tarpaulins.
Can be used for:
- Brick covers
- Hay bale cover
- Cotton cover
- Coal cover

High durability even when exposed to UV radiation
Strong wind weathering property
Tear and puncture resistance
Rot resistance
Industrial & Transportation Covers
Can be used as a wrap film / cover to protect cargo from dust & moisture.

- Steel coils
- Ductile iron pipes
- Machineries in transit
- Large over size cargoes specially during movement
- Truck tarpaulins
- Water resistance and good barrier
- Prevents rust and corrosion
- Additional layer of corrosion inhibiter can be provided
- Odourless, non-toxic and food grade
- Wind resistant and high tensile property
- Tear resistant

Green House
- Use of Techpaulin in green houses provides optimal protection against weather extremities, heat, cold or heavy rains
- Special ingredients and design provides higher light transmission
- Long life and good mechanical properties
- While it prevents harmful UV rays outside, but provides indirect or defused light with equal light dispersion due to special additives used. Such defused light reduces stress and has positive and uniform influences on plant growth

- Anti fogging
- UV blocking
- Cooling effect
- Anti dust
- High wind resistance
- Chemical / Pesticide resistance
Civil Engineering
Due to its exceptional waterproof property, Techpaulin is an ideal material for use as a waterproof layer in civil engineering / construction.
- Membranes are laid to prevent moisture / vapour migration through concrete slab which also affects adhesives used for flooring systems
- Can also be used during construction of external walls
- Could be used during column footing, overlay, parking floor overlay, side curtain for retaining wall, terrace / podium waterproofing, basement capping, swimming pool, seepage prevention, slip membrane for concrete roads and runways, etc.
- Puncture resistance
- Temperature resistance
- Low shrinkage
- High tensile strength
- Weather resistance
- Light weight

Lumber Cover/Timber Pack
Can be used as a wrap film / cover to protect cargo from dust & moisture.
- Prevents condensation and staining of wood
- Outside layer reflects light and provides area for marking
- Extremely rigid material can be used in extreme weather
- Can also be used to wrap lumber in raw state to prevent deep scratches and damages during handling and transporting

- Heavy duty – yet light weight
- 100% water & weather proof
- Tear resistance
- Chemical resistance